Just got back from a 4nite stay in Sarasota. After the first day, we were at a loss at what to do. Ringling Museum and Sarasota Jungle Gardens were great.
St Armands is pretty and has good restaurants but the shops are expensive and just junky stuff for seniors.
Check out the small downtown area for good shops and restaurants.
All in all, I was looking for a relaxing time,but ended up being bored as hell.
This is a great place for seniors,but if you are under the age of 60, forget it!
Sarasota is BORING!
I have lived In Sarasota all of my life. I have to agree seniors have ruined our town. There are sevral cities north and south of us that have more things todo.
Sarasota is BORING!
Sorry you feel this way. Most people dream of living here.
I guess I%26#39;m glad Sarasota isn%26#39;t for everyone. We have too much growth already.
Um, wasn%26#39;t this already covered on a June 3rd post? Why post it twice?
Because she wanted to post again. she seen that I was a first time poster so she wanted her opinion viewed.
As far as people dreaming of living here...yeah I don%26#39;t see that. I see an influx of retirees escaping there home towns to crap on ours. Their politics and there money are ruining our town.
Remember when down town was a small piece of heaven. On weekends you go down to the brick yard and listen to local bands have a beer and enjoy yourself. Than the high rises complained that the music was to loud and they couldn’t enjoy the peacefulness of their balcony.
Now in order to listen to music ya have to buy a 12 dollar cocktail.
I owned my house on higel for 5 years and had to sell it because we had 16 senior accidents in 3 months. With one actually hitting the car in my driveway.
This town has gone to the crapper. I am sure people like you feel that all the growth is great, building high dollar high-rises and chasing all the people who make less than 50 grand a year to Bradenton. So that they can only cross university when you need your lawn mowed.
Well enjoy your new Daytona...
As a true Sarasota native AND a local Realtor that has lived here my entire life, I understand your point of view but I strongly disagree with it. Comparing Sarasota to Daytona is both naive and misleading to say the least.
It%26#39;s true that every day I see great buildings demolished, local hang outs sold to developers, %26amp; businesses with longstanding ties to the community sell out. This breaks my heart and the Sarasota of my childhood is no more. With that said, you can%26#39;t stop a city from growing. Sarasota is a great place to live at any age (I%26#39;m 33). I will NEVER live anywhere else. New businesses open, grander buildings are built, and we move on. Is a Starbuck%26#39;s %26amp; Whole Foods located Downtown a bad thing? I think not! While there are plenty of ultra-rich here, Sarasota is still a very welcoming community to anybody. It%26#39;s the type of place that a beach bum and a millionaire can be sitting next to each other at the bar and truly be enjoying each others%26#39; company and conversation. There are works in progress to add substantial affordable housing and the community continues to struggle with this issue - like so many other growing communities in the Country.
Sarasota has attracted more young professionals in the last ten years than ever in it%26#39;s history. Families are moving here for our schools, our sense of community, our beauty, and the opportunities that come with a quickly growing city. Nowhere else on the Gulf Coast will you find a community that offers such a wide variety of cultural activities including dinner theaters, museums, ballets, plays, film %26amp; wine festivals, etc... Growth %26amp; progress are inevitable and I think Sarasota, while there are definate growing pains, is handling the situation as best it can. Personally, I can%26#39;t think of any other Florida community I would rather let my children grow up in than Sarasota!
The notion that one would have to move because of the retirees and thier driving habits is absurd. You live in the state of FLORIDA. We are a retirement destination. If it%26#39;s less traffic you want then move inland, it tends to be less congested for obviuous reasons. I have lived on Siesta Key and many spots on the mainland, traffic ALWAYS has been an issue in all locations, especially for 5/6 months of the year. This is a sacrifice we deal with to live in paradise! North Port, Englewood %26amp; Port charlotte have less if it becomes just too much to handle.
I guess by ';people like me'; you mean forward thinkers, a proud native Sarasotan/Floridian, and an active member of the professional community here in SRQ. Well, yes that%26#39;s me in a nutshell!
Well Stated!
You, 33 years of age... True Native.
Me, 33 years of age.... True Native.
I went to prew, But most of my friends went to Riverview.
I remember going to Daytona Bch for spring break. It was just as our town is now. Bustling and full of developement. Look at it now...This is where Sarasota will be and all it%26#39;s forward thinking.
As far as selling my home because of traffic. It%26#39;s done all the time and I made a profit. :)
Oh by the way, did ya know they are tearing down Riverview.
excuse me but i gotta agree with gin because sarasota is an old folks town you may be 33 but if you havent heard the opera and wine festivals isnt great for anyone unless your rich and boring, living in sarasota all your life has probably aged you quicker mentally, to be honest ive lived in some of the nicest cities in the world including vegas munich germany and sarasota went from a relaxed beach town, yes still filled with old people, but now its constuction every 1/2 mile and places to only spend money otherwise you have to go to the beach ... im a srq native only moved around for school still go back every 2 months at least but now days unless you have money and your livin off daddy the only thing in sarasota is trouble....especially with the cops there but of course just my opinion so thought id share ttyl
20 yrs old, cardinal mooney graduate, srq native
Sarasota may be a retirees place BUT that doesn%26#39;t put us off visiting whenever we can.
Just got back from a few days there, loved it as usual. Traffic not a problem at all, (you should live in London, anywhere in the UK for that matter!).
Siesta beach was as beautiful as ever, shopping at the malls a real pleasure.
Great food still being seved at the Bangkok.........I could go on.
To live in Sarasota must be a great pleasure for a lot of people. Don%26#39;t be down on those retirees, we%26#39;ll all be there one day!
By the way are property prices still dropping or has the Sarasota market recovered?
After looking in Real Estate agents windows, house prices seem very reasonable to us.
Contrary to what many think, I do not believe the prices have bottomed yet. Given the us $ vs. the pound, I am sure the prices seem reasonable. The Sarasota area is still one of the more expensive in the state and one of the most desirable.
When people say the town is boring (native or not) I don%26#39;t even bother to comment. There are plenty of young professionals and others in this town who feel they are lucky to be here.
Contrary to what many think, I do not believe the prices have bottomed yet. Given the us $ vs. the pound, I am sure the prices seem reasonable. The Sarasota area is still one of the more expensive in the state and one of the most desirable.
When people say the town is boring (native or not) I don%26#39;t even bother to comment. There are plenty of young professionals and others in this town who feel they are lucky to be here.
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