Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Water Temps in Sept?

How is the water temperature in mid September? We will be going on a dolphin cruise and I want to know what to expect.


Water Temps in Sept?

We go every year in Sept. except for 1 time...( We don%26#39;t have little ones to worry about missing school...)That%26#39;s one reason we go then is there is no crowds, practically have the beach to ourselves....the water temp is great.....and so is the weather....we can stay in the water all day...

Water Temps in Sept?

prettygirl is dead-on. We go in sept and oct most years and it is our favorite time. No crowds, no lines, and perfect temps in and out of the water.

That sounds great! I can%26#39;t wait!

Where are you guys staying? You may have mentioned it in a different thread so if I am an idiot for missing it please forgive me. Just curious where you chose and why you chose it.

Well we haven%26#39;t yet....main reason is because we not sure if our Daughter, Son-in-law and 2 yr old grandbaby are coming along....I%26#39;ve narrowed it down to the Whispering Seas, Nautical Watch or the Sunset Inn...we normally rent a 3 bedroom house right on the beach...but it%26#39;s to big for just us and kinda pricey.... cause were paying for it.....But it%26#39;s not if you have 2 other couples and you split it...we rent thru Sunspot Realty...the house is called Sunny;s a beautiful house right on the beach.....I guess the main reasons I%26#39;ve picked those 3 is because they all have 2 bedrooms, 2 bath, full kitchen and right on the beach....that%26#39;s why I%26#39;ve asked opinions on all 3 of the above.....cause I%26#39;ve never stayed at any of them....Now my Husband and I have stayed at the Long Beach for 5 nights and it was wonderful....except you have to go take the elevator any time you wanted to go to the beach...rented thru VRBO.....Hope this helps.............

Sept is a great time to be there. The lobster fest at is a blast. The water is still plenty warm and not so much sea weed.

I plan to go back the 14th-22..Heck I might stay an extra day again.

We will be there for the Lobsert Fest (9/14-9/16)! It sounds like a great time, really looking forward to the sand sculptures. Might see ya there! :-)

We have traveled to different beaches in Sept and October for the last 5 or so years and it seems to be the best time, no crowds, better rates. We have never had a problem with hurricanes, but that is a chance you take that time of year. We only had one cold day in all the years, it was so cold in Destin (mid October) windy and raining. So we spent the day shopping. The very next day, it was hot, we all got sunburned on the beach.

I always pack a light weight jacket for everyone (just in case) and that day was the only time we have ever had to wear our jackets.

I have found only one downside...the water parks are closed during that time.

How warm are the pools in Sept and Oct? Are they heated? How warm is the ocean?

Water temp should be perfect in Sept. Cross your fingers for no hurricane!

  • xp
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