Friday, March 30, 2012

Looking for sushi in all the wrong places

My husband and I really enjoy sushi and pulled into Lucy Ho%26#39;s on a whim. Should have passed by, I%26#39;m afraid. Not very clean, poor service, and the sushi was pitiful.

I think they make a mistake when they combine more than one cuisine and serving sushi is very different and difficult to serve well. Lucy Ho%26#39;s lumps Chinese and Japanese together and maybe serving a terrific General Tso%26#39;s Chicken but keeping fish at it%26#39;s raw peak is a tough job, slicing it properly is tougher, and creating the presentation is the toughest of all.

When people tell me they don%26#39;t like sushi, I often reply that they probably have never had it... correctly, that is. My first taste of sushi was a joint like Lucy Ho%26#39;s, room temperature dishes on stale clusters of sticky rice lined up like a death squad. Then a South African friend practically kidnapped us to try a place he knew and WHAT A DIFFERENCE!

Does anyone know a really good place in Tallahassee? We%26#39;re not from the area but we visit quite often and would love to have a regular place to enjoy this great cuisine.

On top of the pitiful meal we had the owner brought one of two beers we had ordered and mumbled something about the other that we couldn%26#39;t understand. Twenty minutes later he arrived with the other which apparently he had to chill first. I don%26#39;t know any one who wants to drink ';chilly'; beer. We always drink them cold!

Looking for sushi in all the wrong places

I suggest Osaka Japanese Steak House and Sushi Bar. It is on Raymond Diehl Rd. between Thomasville and Capital Circle. Just turn left at the light after you go under I-10. It will be on your left in a small shopping center.

Looking for sushi in all the wrong places

I enjoy a trip to Masa on Monroe everytime I am in Tally visiting my daughter.

My favorite place to go for sushi is Kitcho. It%26#39;s in the Market Street plaza off of Timberlane Road. It%26#39;s very good and has always been fresh.

Try Jasmin Cafe downtown. Really Good!

I have been to Jasmine and Osaka and thought they were both good. Your comment about Lucy Ho is interesting and may cause you to want to avoid Masa, because I understand she owns it. However, a friend of mine who really enjoys sushi likes go figure.

I do believe I would choose Jasmine over Osaka, though.

I agree on Kitcho and Osaka. I do like lucy hos sushi though

I ate at Masa last week. It was packed, so we sat at the bar. I thought the fish was a bit chewy. The restaurant itself was nice, but I%26#39;m still on the hunt for good sushi here too. Someone I know said Jasmine is great, so that%26#39;s my next stop.

There%26#39;s a relatively new place on ccne, next to Espositos called Tans I think. Inexpensive and not to bad. BTW, a warm welcome to the incoming students. deb

I have eaten at Lucy Ho%26#39;s for lunch on 3 or 4 occasions. I had sushi each time. Last 2 visits were disappointing. I probably will not return. Massa Restaurant is owned by the same people....but I have not tried it, yet.

Kitcho has MUCH better tasting sushi, but you will pay for it. It is more expensive but very, very good. Try it for lunch and I think you will see that the sushi tastes better that Lucy Ho%26#39;s.

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