Saturday, March 24, 2012

Miami Airport: Transfer Time Required


I am planning a trip to Ecuador which requires me to transit in Miami Airport. I will be flying out from Los Angeles and catch another flight in Miami to Quito Ecuador. Hence, am wondering how much time should I plan during the transit in Miami.

There are actually 2 flight Ite. provided by AA.

(1) Leave LAX 6am in the morning, arrive Miami 2pm and take the 5pm flight to Quito Ecuador

(2) Leave LAX 11pm, arrive Miami 7am (next day) and catch 3pm flight to Quito Ecuador. The only concern on this option is that there isn%26#39;t much to do during the 6 hours transit time...

Any suggestions are more than welcome... thanks.

Miami Airport: Transfer Time Required


#1 sounds best... only 3 hours ground time and you will not be so exhausted as you might be on a red eye + 8 hours!


Miami Airport: Transfer Time Required

Hmm...I assume you will have to claim your bags, clear customs, recheck your bags, and re-clear security?? If so, honestly, take the longer layover....if ot, then option #1 will be OK.....

If you have to do all that other stuff, and go from one paart of the airport to another, 3 hours will not be enough, especially if your first flight is delayed at across the US can change all the time, and even though LAX and MIA might be OK, bad weather in other parts of the US often causes problems all over....Plus, you may be able to sleep on the overnight flight. You can always wander around the airport, get something to eat, etc.


Yes, what I afraid most is short of time. Was in Chicago for a transit to Boston and only had 2 hours, was basically sprinting from one end to the other..

I think will allocate appox 4-6 hours for transit then...

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