Thursday, April 12, 2012

When do Crabs come out on beach?

We%26#39;re in Destin now and have gone on the beach to check out the crabs (which I%26#39;ve read come out at night). We%26#39;ve gone out at night about 9-9:30 PM. We haven%26#39;t seen any crabs. Does anyone know when they come out? Do they come out later?

We%26#39;re staying at Maravilla which is at the east end of Destin and I believe it is Miramar beach. Thanks.

When do Crabs come out on beach?

Take you a flashlight and a pail and you are guaranteed to see crabs. It could just be ocean conditions that you are not seeing them. I have always found hundreds of them in Fort Walton by the El Matador. Sometimes you will find them better about 10 feet from the shoreline.

When do Crabs come out on beach?

Please don%26#39;t take flashlights out on the beach this time of the year. It is Turtle season. They will not come lay their eggs if there are bright lights.

They usually come out about 3:00 am. Be sure to set an alarm and go down then.

Good luck.

Destin Crabs are renowned for their high intelligence. Usually they wait until a tourists%26#39; back is turned before they make their move. They have developed a sixth sense as to when the tourist will turn around and 99% of the time are safely tucked away in the sand before they can be spotted.

I suggest bringing a mirror with you. Hold the mirror so it reflects past your shoulder on the gulf side of the beach down the shoreline. They have not yet become wise to this tactic.

The mirror technique was quickly figured out by the crafty crustaceans. They have now perfected the ';Crab Cloaking Device™';

making them virtually undetectable.

You might see them around Sammy%26#39;s too.

You don%26#39;t want to catch the crabs they have at Sammy%26#39;s. Make sure you take some penicillin with you if you do.

hahahaha....omigod...that is too funny!

i don%26#39;t think penicillin has any effect on crabs though...

I think you need that magic powder for those crabs!

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